Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jesus Always Chose What Was Beautiful

I would like to share my reaction to yesterday's Worship Rally for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. As we gathered in front of the steps of the Ohio Statehouse, we were joined by Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Mainline Protestants, Catholics and Evangelicals. About 150 of us gathered there to show support for comprehensive immigration reform. As expected, a group of about 10 stood by the road holding signs saying, "Honk if you Support Arizona" and "Illegals Go Home!" I must say that it was a very touching experience to be with such a diverse group of people of faith. The most touching speaker of the evening was not a pastor, or a rabbi, or a community leader. She was a 10 year old girl named Jamie Aristigue shared her story of being separated from her father. Jamie cried as she wondered why her father, who only wanted to do what was best for his wife and children was thrown in jail with thieves and murderers. I am glad there was no camera pointed at me at that moment, because Jamie's tears became my tears.

Perhaps the most astute observation of the night came from Rev. Troy Jacskon, the evangelical pastor of University Christian Church in Cincinnati, OH. Rev. Jackson pointed to the countless times in the Bible when Jesus was given the choice between the law and the person, and Jesus always chose the person. Rev. Jackson pointed specifically to the story of the woman with alabaster jar in Matthew 26.7. In the face of his disciples objections, Rev. Jackson explained, "Jesus chose what was beautiful." To further his point Rev. Jackson compared our rally with the protesters on the street. Every once in a while we would hear the ugly, obnoxious honk of a horn (very few horns given the amount of traffic at that time of day). Between speakers at our service, we had the beautiful music of the violin, and ended by singing "We Shall Overcome." To Rev. Jackson, this contrast was a perfect picture of the immigration debate. The protesters filled with hate on the street chose the ugliness of the honking horns, but the people of faith gathered at the rally, we, just as Jesus did, chose what was beautiful.

The above image is of Jamie, her mother, and 5 year old sister. Taken by Fred Squillante of the Columbus Dispatch.

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